The Annual Global Peace Index released by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) ranks the countries in the world as the safest and the most dangerous. The report uses a total of 23 different indicators to rank 163 countries in the world. These indicators are broken down into three different categories:
- Militarization
- Social security and safety
- Ongoing domestic and international conflict
Some of the factors taken into account for the report include political instability, level of distrust, the total number of homicides, the potential for terrorism, external and internal violent conflicts, and military expenditure. Each country is given a score as per these factors.
We’ve listed below the 10 safest countries based on the Global Peace Index.
Top 10 Safest Countries in the World

1st: Iceland

The Global Peace Index terms Iceland as the safest country in the world for the 14th year in a row. Though the tourists can’t seem to get enough of the northern lights and natural beauty, the small population of 340,000 people has a lot of other factors to rejoice for.
Living Standards
Economic and social tensions are not prevalent in the Icelandic population. The country has legalized same-sex adoptions and marriages, ensured equal pay for all genders, and ensured religious freedom. However, the cost of living is pretty high, and affordable rentals and housing are hard to find.
Crime Rates
Iceland has extremely low crime rates, no armed forces, and a high level of political stability, which are the factors that help the country to hold its status as the most peaceful country in the world. The police force is educated and well-trained while the citizens are vigilant against crime.
Economic Conditions
The small economy of Iceland makes it volatile to external disturbances. The dominant economic sectors here are tourism, seafood, and aluminum.
Natural Resources
Most of the produce found here is organic since the climate discourages pests and insects, and thus, the use of pesticides. The country is highly dependent on seafood. The primary energy sources are geothermal power and hydroelectricity.
2nd: New Zealand

New Zealand is the second name on the list thanks to its low crime rates, high living standards, and abundance of natural resources. The proximity of the country to Australia makes it even more lucrative as a place to reside in.
Living Standards
New Zealand has recently been praised all over the world for its success in controlling the coronavirus outbreak. The publicly funded universal healthcare coverage has been a major aid in ensuring this. Additionally, Auckland and Wellington are the most habitable cities ever.
Crime Rates
New Zealand is remarkable for its low crime rates and violence. The most common crime in the country is petty theft.
Economic Conditions
The economy is primarily dependent on the service sector. Other major industries found here are metal fabrication, aluminum production, and paper and wood products. The rest of the GDP is served by food processing, manufacturing, mining, electricity, exports, and gas.
Natural Resources
The booming farming sector of the country brings quality food products to the citizens and the world. Meat and dairy are consumed locally and exported globally. New Zealand is one of the top thirty countries in gold and iron ore production.
3rd: Ireland

Ireland is a fantastic country for many because it has Europe’s youngest population. It has a solid economy, a reliable education system, a bustling social life, a diverse culture, and stunning scenery. It’s also one of the safest countries for travel.
Living Standards
Healthcare is widely available in Ireland, Public transportation is available throughout the country. Ireland has a vibrant social scene where you can eat, drink, and have fun.
Crime Rates
Violent crime is uncommon in Ireland, yet it does exist. Crimes include petty theft, burglary, and other small charges. However, cybercrime is a serious worry, especially as Ireland is home to many technological corporations.
Economic Conditions
Ireland has made significant strides forward in development during the last century, allowing the country to vastly enhance its living standards. Industrialization and international investment have brought income to Ireland, which has been utilized to better people’s lives.
Natural Resources
Inland fisheries, minerals, energy supplies, and other geological resources assist to fuel the national economy, producing jobs, and delivering social benefits for Irish citizens.
4th: Denmark

Denmark is one of the very few nations in the world where the citizens report that they feel safe at any time of the night and day. A strong sense of social welfare, equality, and common responsibility have made the land a peaceful place to live and thrive for the population.
Living Standards
Denmark is a successful and progressive nation that has a strong sense of social welfare and responsibility. Being a welfare state, the citizens get benefits that ensure an affluent lifestyle. Though the taxes are high, it pays for tuition-free education, free healthcare, and at-home helpers.
Crime Rates
Crime rates are low in this country. Corruption in politics and business continues to be low since trust and honesty are highly valued in this country. The safest city in the country is the capital of Copenhagen.
Economic Conditions
Denmark has a mixed economy consisting of government services, along with a booming foreign trade. The country’s service sector offers a majority of jobs, with the rest of the employment being offered in agriculture, manufacturing, and engineering.
Natural Resources
The agricultural industry is small and includes organic food and animal produce. The North Sea offers limited oil and natural gas reserves. However, the high food prices continue to remain a challenge in the industry.
5th: Austria

Austrians enjoy the highest quality of living in the world. Its political, social, economic, educational, healthcare, and environmental systems are all stable throughout the year.
Living Standards
Austria is one of the best places to live in Europe because of its historic cities, beautiful countryside, vibrant cities, and high-quality cities. High levels of social assistance and excellent infrastructure are all features of Austria.
Crime Rates
In Austria, crime is quite rare, with the majority of reports being pickpocketing. Walking safety is relatively high in most big cities, both during the day and at night.
Economic Conditions
Austria is an industrialized country with a thriving service industry. Food and luxury commodities, mechanical engineering and steel building, chemicals, and automobile manufacturing are the most important sectors. The service sector generates the vast majority of the country’s GDP.
Natural Resources
Austria is a leading producer of natural magnesite which is used extensively in the chemical industry. It’s also one of the largest soybean producers in Europe. Pig and poultry farming are also common in the country’s arable regions. The large forested areas of Austria provide abundant timber resources.
6th: Portugal

Portugal gets the sixth position in the ranking for the most peaceful countries in the world. What makes this rank even more commendable is that Portugal is always on the top 10 list of the index.
Living Standards
Right from rent to groceries, and more, the cost of living in Portugal is low. It is one of the most affordable countries. The low unemployment rate has ensured a resurgence of the economy. It’s also a favorite country among retirees.
Crime Rates
Widely present and strongly armed, Portugal’s police have ensured low to moderate crime rates in the country. Violent crimes are extremely low.
Economic Conditions
The largest sector in Portugal is the tertiary sector. It has important industries in fisheries, energy, services, agriculture, and the natural resources sector.
Natural Resources
Olives and wines are pretty affordable here because of their abundant local production. An abundance of forests ensures the supply of almost half of the cork in the world.
7th: Slovenia

The blue lakes, majestic mountains, vintage castles, and more have made Slovenia famous in the world. To top it off, it is also a highly progressive high-income economy.
Living Standards
Nearness to countries like Croatia, Hungary, Austria, and Italy has given a diverse culture to Slovenia. Thus, expats looking for a new place to settle down will find Slovenia welcoming and warm.
Crime Rates
The crime rates are pretty low in Slovenia. Popular tourist spots might note some petty crimes, but the offenses are non-violent. It is also a member of the United Nations, NATO, Eurozone, and the European Union.
Economic Conditions
The GDP is dominated by the service sector, and that is closely followed by agriculture and industry. Despite ample instances of economic downturn, the country has managed to bounce back to stability and prosperity repeatedly.
Natural Resources
Slovenian cuisine is made delectable by the fresh produce that comes from the local farms of the country. Quality beer and wine are also locally produced here.
8th: The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is one of the safe countries to visit. The fact that it has climbed two spots to reach this position makes it even more special for the country.
Living Standards
The Czech Republic is widely held as one of the best countries in the world for expats to come and live. The country also happens to be student-friendly, so students flock to the nation every year.
Crime Rates
Crime rates have seen a steady decline over the past few years, particularly in violent crimes. It is even more commendable because accessing weapons in the country is not too difficult. The main issue in the country is its high involvement in several foreign conflicts.
Economic Conditions
It is an advanced economy with a keen focus on manufacturing and services. The country has the lowest scores in terms of population at the risk of poverty.
Natural Resources
The main natural resources of the country are timber, hard coal, soft coal, clay, graphite, and kaolin.
9th: Singapore

With continuously low crime rates, an open judicial system, and a dependable police force supported by residents, Singapore is recognized as one of the world’s safest nations.
Living Standards
Singapore has a widely respected healthcare system that includes public, private, and community hospitals as well as national specialized centers. Singapore is easy to navigate. Singapore’s perfectly planned highways make for quick and hassle-free travel. By bus, train, taxi, or private-hire automobile, you can get from east to west in less than 1.5 hours.
Crime Rates
Singapore has low crime rates. This is mostly due to the effective and severe enforcement of the law, as well as the general cooperation of the residents.
Economic Conditions
Singapore, a significant financial center in the Asia-Pacific region, has a long history of building a reputation as one of the most developed economies in the world. The manufacturing sector, which accounts for 20–25 percent of Singapore’s yearly GDP, is by far the country’s largest industry.
Natural Resources
Singapore, which is well situated in resource-rich Asia, is a major worldwide hub for agricultural commodities, metals, and minerals. Arable land, beautiful landscape, and seafood are a few of the nation’s most valuable natural resources.
10th: Japan

Japan is one of the safest countries. Despite the fact that living expenses can be high, the quality of life in Japan is generally quite good due to well-paying occupations and a strong economy.
Living Standards
Japan has the highest life expectancy in the OECD, low obesity rates, and alcohol and smoking use rates that are below average. The nation has a universal healthcare system in which the government covers 70% of the cost of medical care and patients pay 30%.
Crime Rates
In Japan, the crime rate is low. There are pickpockets all across the world, but even in huge places like Tokyo or Kyoto, there just aren’t very many. Violence is also almost nonexistent in Japan.
Economic Conditions
One of the world’s biggest and most advanced economies is of Japan. It is one of the largest consumer marketplaces in the world thanks to its vast, affluent population and well-educated, hardworking workforce.
Natural Resources
There is not enough land in Japan that is suited for agriculture. This is why Japan imports the majority of its food from other nations. Oil, coal, iron ore, copper, aluminum, timber, and other essential raw materials for industry and energy production are all in short supply in Japan.
Conclusion on the Safest Countries in the World
The scores are definitely not set in stone as is evident from the fact that several countries have jumped ten points or more in their ranks this year. So, hopefully, the next year will bring more positive changes to each country on the safest countries list.